• Nemanjina 4
    Beograd, Savski venac
  • 00:00h - 05:00h
  • Disco / House / RnB
  • 450 Ljudi


Neon party hosted by Damjan Eltech od 00h

THURSDAY 27. March
Urban box hosted by Anubis Beatz od 00h

FRIDAY 28. March
T.G.I.F hosted by Dalibor Uhrik od 00h

SATURDAY 29. March
You belong here hosted by resident DJ od 00h

SUNDAY 30. March
No bra night hosted by Dalibor Uhrik od 00h

MONDAY 31. March
Lollipop party hosted by Damjan Eltech od 00h

TUESDAY 01. April
Old but gold hosted by Alex Tic od 00h


Beograd Noću

Club Stefan Braun is in many ways unique club in Belgrade, with specific spirit, original location and and carefully selected  music program. Club Mr. Stefan Braun is the only club located on the 9th floor and the entrance is direct from elevator.

The door of the club opened way back in 2002. Very soon after the opening, because of the great atmosphere that prevailed in the club, Stefan Braun became one of the most popular clubs in Belgrade. That same energy is still present in the club. Large bar in the middle of the club is center of happening. With imaginations of making amazing cocktails, bartenders of this club has always knew how to make fabulous atmosphere, that most of attractive girls end up dancing on the bar.

Today, club Mr. Stefan Braun represents club with modern orientation fall within group with the range of the best clubs with wide target group of guests. Team of the club contains more than 50 people with big experience and goal to make party even better. Thanks to all that club Stefan Braun is one of rare clubs working 7 days a week. Besides various music program, club Stefan Braun also organizes different theme parties, some of them are even humanitarian, when famous people work at the bar and raise donations for institutions and individuals that needs help.

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Club Stefan Braun
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Milos Maximovic

Stefan Braun je najbolji!

 by Mirjana

Omiljeno mesto, najjaci klub, najbolje hostese, predobar provod!

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Mapa - Club Stefan Braun